Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Community Informational Meeting

More so than most other cities, the city of Alhambra's past and future success stands on the shoulders of its people, many of whom are first generation immigrants.  During these times especially, Grassroots Alhambra will fight to maintain the moral clarity of dignity, respect, and humanity for all.

Our students and their families, along with our teachers and support staff, have done more for the sustainable, upward growth of our city than most realize.  They deserve the rights and protections as valuable members of our community.  Please help to spread the word of an upcoming community meeting sponsored by the Alhambra Teacher's Association.  If you know anyone who may benefit from resources and information related to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), particularly recipients needing to refile, please encourage attendance.  

Sponsored by: Alhambra Teachers Association and California Teachers Association

Meeting Flyer
Meeting Flyer - Spanish
Meeting Flyer - Vietnamese


September 25, 2017 at 4:15pm - 6pm
William Northrup Elementary School Auditorium
409 S Atlantic Blvd
Alhambra, CA 91801
United States
Google map and directions